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The low-frequency magnetic field enhances the inhibition processes in the central nervous system (improves general condition, sleep, reduces irritability), has a nonspecific effect on the body’s immunological reactivity.
When using the apparatus by reflex-segmental technique, the sympathetic effects on the cardiovascular system are reduced, the oxygen mode of the heart is improved and blood pressure is reduced by reducing the cardiac output.
Exposure to the magnetic field does not cause skin irritation.
When exposed to a low-frequency magnetic field, good tolerance is observed in impaired patients, elderly patients suffering from concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system, which allows the apparatus to be used in many cases, when exposure to other physical factors (in particular UHF, microwave therapy).
The device complies with the national standards for medical devices and has a certificate of compliance with the technical regulation for medical devices and Directive 93/42 / EEC (MDD).
– Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (periarthrosis of the shoulder joint; deforming osteoarthritis of the hip, knee, ankle, foot and hand; arthritis (inflammation of the articular bags); bursitis; osteochondroma; tendon inflammation, “heel spur”).
– Treatment for injuries of the musculoskeletal system (fractures of the bones of the limbs, pelvis, spine; internal injuries of the joints; post-traumatic contracture of the joints; slaughter of soft tissues, hematomas, post-traumatic edema; damage to the ligaments and muscles).
– Treatment of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension; obliteratingendarteritis and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities).
– Treatment of neurological diseases (post-stroke conditions; vegetative polyneuropathy, sympathoganglioitis; osteochondrosis of the spine (moderately pronounced root processes due to dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs);
– Treatment of gynecological diseases (inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages; hypofunction of the ovaries; algodysmenorrhea; premenstrual and menopausal syndrome; complications after surgery at birth (caesarean section, violation of the integrity of the perineum); pathological lactostasis).
– Treatment for complications of diabetes (diabetic angiopathy; diabetic polyneuropathy).
– Treatment of ENT diseases (rhinitis; sinusitis; otitis; frontitis; etmoiditis; sphenoiditis; pharyngitis; tonsillitis; laryngitis).
– Treatment of dermatological diseases (treatment of the effects of plastic surgery; treatment of itching dermatoses (eczema, urticaria, neurodermatitis).
Main technical characteristics
– amplitude value of magnetic induction on the working surface – (30 ± 9) mT.
– The unit operates from AC power (50 ± 5) Hz and voltage (230 ± 23) V.
– power consumption – not more than 50 V • A.
– the device provides continuous work for no more than 6 hours, with a further break of not less than 30 minutes in repeated-short-term mode: operating time not more than 20 minutes, pause time not less than 10 minutes.
– the service life of the device is not less than three years.
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