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UV Therapy, Bactericidal recirculators.

UV-A spectrum

The UV-A spectrum has a relatively weak biological action.

Therapeutic effects: pigment-forming, immunostimulating, photosensitizing.
UV-A spectrum is used in the treatment of chronic diseases of internal organs, diseases of joints and bones of various etiologies, burns and frostbites, accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers, treats psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, seborrhea.

UV-B spectrum

UV-B spectrum has a pronounced biological effect. UV-B rays contribute to the production of vitamin D, normalize calcium-phosphorus metabolism, increase the mechanical strength of bone tissue, stimulate bone tissue restoration during fractures, and increase the resistance of the skin and the body as a whole to harmful environmental factors. Under the influence of these rays, allergic reactions and tissue edema are reduced. Mental and physical performance is increased. Therapeutic effects: vitamin-forming, trophostimulating, immunomodulating (sub-erythema doses), anti-inflammatory, analgesic, desensitizing (erythema doses).

The UV-B spectrum is used in the treatment of acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of internal organs (especially the respiratory system), the effects of injuries and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the peripheral nervous system of vertebrogenic etiology with severe pain (radiculitis, neuralgia), diseases of joints and bones. UVB radiation is also used in cases of insufficient solar radiation, secondary anemia, metabolic disorders, erysipelas inflammation.
UV-C spectrum

The ultraviolet component UV-C is the main cause of the death of microbes in the open air. The mortality rate of microorganisms reaches 90-99%, but depends on the type of microorganism and can vary from fractions of a second to several minutes. The bactericidal effect of ultraviolet rays was first described more than 100 years ago. The energy of the ultraviolet component UV-C causes damage to microorganisms at the cellular level.

The bactericidal properties of ultraviolet rays are used to disinfect air, tools, dishes, with their help increase the shelf life of food products, disinfect drinking water, and inactivate viruses in the preparation of vaccines.

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