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Apparatus for vibramassage PROSTAM (Простам)

Apparatus for vibramassage PROSTAM (Простам)



3745 грн.

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The apparatus is indicated when treating following diseases:

chronic prostatitis;



erectile dysfunction;

benign hyperplasia of the prostate (adenoma).


Developed to treat patients with chronic prostatitis, PROSTAM apparatus allows to implement local combination of actions on the prostate with transrectal access of the most popular methods used to increase efficiency of pharmacotherapy – hyperthermia, pulse electromagnetic field, mechanical microvibration.

Thermal actions efficiently influence microcirculation (blood circulation amelioration) and stimulation of immunity in the surrounding tissues.

Local influence with a magnetic field possesses anti-inflammatory, antiedematic, analgetic and trophico-regenerative action.

Mechanical microvibration stimulates contracting ability of muscular elements of the prostate, muscles of the pelvic fundus and leads to restoration of their tonus and promotes adequate evacuation of the secretion, this is important for elimination of stagnation symptoms in the prostate and for reduction in symptoms of irritation of the lower urinary tracts.

Efficiency of PROSTAM apparatus surpasses drugs and pills. The apparatus exerts a soft, continuous, erection-increasing action, and course use allows to subsequently live a normal sexual life, not resorting to the help of stimulants and pills.

The therapeutic effect of the local physical action exerted by PROSTAM apparatus is connected with:

amelioration of tissue microcirculation in the prostate and in the surrounding tissues;

analgetic effect of the vibration factor and pulse magnetic field;

decrease of spastic and edematic components accompanying the inflammatory process.

PROSTAM apparatus – this is:

removal of all symptoms of prostatitis;

increase of potency;

amelioration of erection;

growth of libido.

The time has come when pills for potency become a needless attribute. PROSTAM apparatus is a worthy alternative. It should be in every man’s medicine chest as a means to increase masculine power (potency) and is efficient irrespective of the age of its user.

The apparatus developed by native scientists is a helper for modern men. Now it is not necessary to experiment on oneself and to try to achieve increase in potency with popular means, it is not necessary to stand in queues to the polyclinic and it is not necessary to feel shy in the pharmacies. You can increase potency under home conditions, using PROSTAM apparatus. Its use is absolutely harmless for the organism unlike the pills to increase masculine potency.

The device complies with the requirements of state standards for medical devices and has a certificate of compliance with the technical regulation on medical devices and the 93/42 / EEC directive (MDD).

Apparatus for vibramassage PROSTAM (Простам)

Виробник: Novator TM
3745 грн.
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